
About webadmin

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So far webadmin has created 55 blog entries.

Countdown to the Spelling Bee

The 20th Anniversary of the Ron and Mary Maxwell Community Spelling Bee is right around the corner, making this a very lively and exciting time at Mid-State Literacy Council. The Spelling Bee is just one of Mid-State’s special events that gives the community a chance to celebrate literacy and recognize the organization’s goals.

2019-04-04T14:11:36+00:00April 4th, 2019|Events, What's Happening|

Maria Suarez

Maria lived in Cuba her entire life until moving to Miami, Florida two years ago to be with her sisters. She recently moved to State College to live with her daughter who is pursuing her Ph.D. from Penn State University. She started learning English only one year ago and began by watching television shows and YouTube videos.

2019-02-21T22:57:34+00:00February 21st, 2019|Student Stories|
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